
  Causes of fatigue in winter

The first and one of the most important is the lack of sun. A significant and very long reduction in daylight hours in winter, when the dark time of day only increases for months, leads to two consequences. Firstly, it has a depressing effect on the psyche, which finds it difficult to function normally in constant twilight.

Secondly, under the influence of sunlight, more precisely, the ultraviolet part of its spectrum, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is produced in our skin. The less […]

Comprehensive urodynamic study

CUDI is the only method that allows you to establish functional disorders in the bladder and make an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS.


the study, special disposable sensors are installed to the patient, which record the behavior of the bladder.

Indications for urodynamic examination:

– Women and men with any urinary incontinence.

– Patients with urination disorders after surgical interventions.

– Patients with difficulty and frequent urination.⠀

– Patients with multiple sclerosis, brain and spinal cord injury, stroke patients who have urination disorders.

– Patients with congenital spinal cord diseases.

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